When I chose the zodiac theme for the monthly Prints for Press series this year, it seemed an obvious choice. Not because I particularly believe in the zodiac...I don't. No, I suspect I'm the same as many others and perhaps more tolerant of the whole shebang than a good deal more. I remember learning all about them as a child - oof, and lets not dwell too long on the teenage years of working out with friends our best love matches, sweep that one under the memory rug!! - and have had a soft spot for the general characterisations ever since. The fact that a lot of the character portraits are scarily accurate (even allowing for the whole 'well it could apply to anyone' angle) is neither here nor there - I like them because they are, by and large, an affectionate whimsical blast of friendly air, and I've always got space for a little whimsy in my life.
What I didn't know when I started the series was just how much I would relish being forced to consider subjects that I wouldn't ordinarily choose to draw let alone commit to linocut. I have particularly liked trying to deal with the difficult astrological customers where perhaps the image didn't come too easily...Scorpio and Sagittarius are still lying in wait, so perhaps I shouldn't speak too soon.
Zodiac round up of the most recent signs in linocut, introducing Leo, Virgo and Libra. x